Annual Seminary Calendar 2022


St. Aloysius’ Seminary, Colombo 08, Sri Lanka.

Calendar of Events – 2022


15th Saturday               -   Students return to begin the New Academic Year 2022

16th Sunday                 -   Solemnity: St. Joseph Vaz, Apostle of Sri Lanka

                                        Arrival of the New Entrants

17th Monday                -   Holiday – Duruthu Poya                             

                                    -   Sinhala – English Literary Union and Caritas Meetings

                                        After Lunch – House Meetings

                                        Sing Song

18th Tuesday               -   Assembly – First Day of the Scholastic Year

21st Friday                  -   Bi-Monthly Movie

24th Monday                -   Welcome of the newly Ordained Priests

25th Tuesday               -   National Seminary Entrance Examination –Withdrawal Test II

                                    -   Address by Bishop J. D. Anthony for the Tutorial Staff

29th Saturday               -   Swimming Meet



4th Friday                    -   Holiday – Independence Day 

                                    -   Solemnity: Our Lady of Lanka – Patroness of Sri Lanka

                                    -   First Friday of the Month

                                        Silent Adoration – Sacrament of Reconciliation

5th Saturday                 -   Vocal Music Competition – Semi -Finals

6th Sunday                   -   Road Race or 3000m open

                                        Cultural Programme

7th Monday                  -   A/L Examinations 2021 (2022)

8th Tuesday                 -   National Seminary Entrance Examination – Withdrawal Test III       

11th Friday                  -   Annual Sports Meet –Field Events                                   

12th Saturday               -   Annual Sports Meet – Track Events

13th Sunday                 -   House Parties

                                        Bi-Monthly Movie

16th Wednesday          -   Holiday – Navam Poya – Work Camp at the Estate

                                        General Manual Labour –Sing Song

18th Friday                  -   Birthday of Rev. Fr. Marian Leonard

                                        Monthly Recollection

19th Saturday               -   Monthly Recollection

20th Sunday                 -   Literary Union Meeting

25th Friday                  -   Bi –Monthly Movie

26th Saturday               -   Farewell to the students who will be going to Madampe



1st Tuesday                  -   Holiday –Maha Sivarathri Day

                                        English Elocution Training Programme

2nd Wednesday            -   Ash Wednesday

4th Friday                    -   First Friday of the Month

                                        Silent Adoration – Sacrament of Reconciliation  

5th Saturday                 -   Children’s Day at Tewatta

6th Sunday                   -   Cultural Programme

9th Wednesday            -   National Seminary Entrance Examination (Oral) in Kandy

10th Thursday              -   National Seminary Entrance Examination (Written) in Kandy

11th Friday                  -   Bi-Monthly Movie

12th Saturday               -   Vocal Music Competition – Finals

16th Wednesday          -   First Term Examinations

18th Friday                  -   Monthly Recollection

19th Saturday               -   Solemnity: St. Joseph

                                        Monthly Recollection

25th Thursday              -   Solemnity: The Annunciation of the Lord




1st Friday                     -   First Friday of the Month

                                        Silent Adoration – Sacrament of Reconciliation

8th Friday                    -   Open Air Way of the Cross

9th Saturday                 -   Easter Vacation Begins

24th Sunday                 -   Divine Mercy Sunday

                                    -   Students return in the morning after Easter Vacation

25th Monday                -   Classes begin for the Second Term

29th Friday                  -   Bi-Monthly Movie

30th Saturday               -   English Elocution Competition – 1st Round



1st Sunday                    -   Holiday – May Day

                                        National Small Christian Community Sunday

                                        Workers’ Day Celebrations

3rd Tuesday                 -   Holiday – Ramazan Festival - Work Camp at Estate

                                        General Manual Labour

6th Friday                    -   First Friday of the Month

                                        Silent Adoration – Sacrament of Reconciliation

7th Saturday                 -   English Elocution Competition – 2nd Round

8th Sunday                   -   Vocations Sunday

12th Thursday              -   National Seminary Entrance Examination- Withdrawal Test I

13th Friday                  -   Bi- Monthly Movie

14th Saturday               -   English Elocution Competition –Repeat Round

15th Sunday                 -   Holiday -  Wesak Poya –Work Camp at the Estate

                                    -   General Manual Labour

16th Monday                -   Holiday

                                        English Emersion Programme

20th Friday                  -   Monthly Recollection

21st Saturday               -   Monthly Recollection

22nd Sunday                -   English Elocution Competition – Finals

27th Friday                  -   Birthday of Rev. Fr. William Evans

                                    -   Bi –Monthly Movie   

28th Saturday               -   Sinhala Elocution Competition – Semi-Finals

29th Sunday                 -   Solemnity: The Ascension of the Lord

31st Tuesday                -   End of May Devotion – Evening Mass



1st Wednesday            -   National Seminary Entrance Examination – Withdrawal Test II

3rd Friday                    -   First Friday of the Month

                                    -   Silent Adoration – Sacrament of Reconciliation

4th Saturday                 -   Instrumentalists’ Competition – Finals

5th Sunday                   -   Solemnity: Pentecost Sunday

                                        Birthday of Rev. Fr. Shashika Manoj

                                    -   Sinhala Elocution Competition –Finals

                                    -   Corpus Christi Procession

                                        (In the evening)

                                        Cultural Programme

6th Monday                  -   Seminars begin for A/L/ students

8th Wednesday            -   Mid Term Test / SBA

                                        Bi- Monthly Movie

11th Saturday               -   First Rehearsal for the Prize Giving and Parents’ Day

12th Sunday                 -   Solemnity: The Most Holy Trinity

15th Wednesday          -   National Seminary Entrance Examination (Oral) in Kandy

16th Thursday              -   National Seminary Entrance Examination (Written) in Kandy

17th Friday                  -   Hoisting of the Flag Staff in view of the Seminary Feast

                                    -   Monthly Recollection

                                    -   Novena to St. Aloysius

18th Saturday               -   Monthly Recollection – Sacrament of Reconciliation

                                        Novena to St. Aloysius

19th Sunday                 -   Solemnity: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

                                        Novena to St. Aloysius

20th Monday                -   Vespers Service for the Feast of the Seminary

21st Tuesday                -   Feast of the Seminary

                                        Mid –Term break begins

26th Sunday                 -   Pope’s Day

                                        Students return in the morning after Mid- Term break

                                    -   Bi-Monthly Movie

27th Monday                -   Classes begin

29th Wednesday          -   Solemnity: Sts. Peter and Paul

                                        G.C.E. (A.L) Withdrawal Examination

30th Thursday              -   Second Rehearsal for the Prize Giving and Parents’ Day


1st Friday                     -   First Friday of the Month

                                        Silent Adoration – Sacrament of Reconciliation

2nd Saturday                -   Practices for the Prize Giving and Parents’ Day

3rd Sunday                   -   Cultural Programme

8th Friday                    -   Final Rehearsal for the Prize Giving and Parents’ Day

9th Saturday                 -   75th and 76th Annual Prize Giving and Parents’ Day

13th Wednesday          -   Holiday –Esala Poya – Work Camp At the Estate

                                    -   General Manual Labour

15th Friday                  -   Monthly Recollection

16th Saturday               -   Monthly Recollection

18th Monday                -   Second Term Examinations begin

22nd Friday                  -   Bi- Monthly Movie

24th Sunday                 -   Indigenous Clergy / Religious Sunday

31st Sunday                 -   Second Term Vacation begins



1st Monday                  -   Annual Excursion for Seniors

5th Friday                    -   Vocation Camp Begins

24th Wednesday          -   Birthday of Rev. Fr. Ravin Darshana

25th Thursday              -   Students Return after the Vacation

                                        Annual Retreat begins in the evening

25th Thursday              -   Annual Retreat

26th Friday                  -   Annual Retreat

27th Saturday               -   Annual Retreat Ends

                                        Bi- Monthly Movie

28th Sunday                 -   Sick Day at Tewatte

29th Monday                -   Classes begin for the Third Term 



2nd Friday                    -   First Friday of the Month

                                        Silent Adoration

3rd Saturday                -   Practices for the Cultural Day

4th Sunday                   -   National Youth Sunday

                                        Cultural Programme

8th Thursday                -   Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady

                                        Mass in the evening with procession

                                        Rehearsal for the welcome of the Newly Ordained Priests

9th Friday                    -   Sacrament of Reconciliation

                                         Bi-Monthly Movie

10th Saturday               -    Holiday –Binara Poya

                                    -   Sacerdotal Ordination at the Cathedral

                                        First Rehearsal for the Cultural Day

12th Monday                -   Welcome of the Newly Ordained Priests

15th Thursday              -   Second Rehearsal for the Cultural Day

17th Saturday               -   Altar Servers’ Day

18th Sunday                 -   National Catechetical Sunday

                                        Dress Rehearsal for the Cultural Day

23rd Friday                  -   Final Rehearsal for the Cultural Day

24th Saturday               -   Cultural Day



1st Saturday                -   Solemnity: St. Therese of Child Jesus

                                        Interviews for the Candidates for the year 2023

2nd Sunday                  -   Cultural Programme

7th Friday                    -   First Friday of the Month

                                        Silent Adoration – Sacrament of Reconciliation

                                        Bi- Monthly Movie

8th Saturday                 -   Interviews for the Candidates for the year 2023

9th Sunday                   -   Holiday –Wap Poya

                                    -   National Laity Sunday

                                        Work Camp at the Estate

                                        General Manual Labour / Sing Song

13th Thursday              -   Birthday of Rev. Fr. Terrance Prasanga

14th Friday                  -   Monthly Recollection

15th Saturday               -   Monthly Recollection

16th Sunday                 -   Interviews for the candidates for the year 2023

18th Tuesday               -   Holiday – Awareness Programme for the O/L Students

                                        Shramadana – at Marcsri Homes, Kalutara

20th Thursday              -   Mid Term Test

21st Friday                   -   Mid Term Test

                                        Bi – Monthly Movie

22nd Saturday              -   Rehearsal for the Rectors’ Day

23rd Sunday                 -   World Mission Sunday

27th Thursday              -   Birthday of Rev. Fr. Pradeep Manawadu

31st Monday                -   Vespers – Rectors’ and Staff Day


1st Tuesday                  -   Feast: All Saints

                                    -   Rector’s and Staff Day

                                    -   Mid Term break begins

2nd Wednesday            -   All Souls’ Day

                                        Birthday of Rev. Fr. Asitha Niranjan

4th Friday                    -   First Friday of the Month

                                        Silent Adoration – Sacrament of Reconciliation

5th Saturday                 -   Students Return in the morning after Mid Term Break

6th Sunday                   -   Cultural Programme

7th Monday                  -   Holiday – Il Poya

                                        Requiem Mass for the departed souls of past Rectors and Staff Members

                                        Work Camp at the Estate

                                        General Manual Labour - Sing Song

10th Thursday              -   National Seminary Entrance Examination -Withdrawal Test I

11th Friday                 -   Bi-Monthly Movie

14th Monday                -   Third Term – Examinations for Grade 9/10/11

20th Sunday                 -   Solemnity: Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

22nd Tuesday               -   Third Term Examinations - Advanced Level

25th Friday                  -   Advent Retreat

26th Saturday               -   Advent Retreat

27th Sunday                 -   Beginning of Season of Advent



2nd Friday                    -   First Friday of the Month –Silent Adoration – Sacrament of Reconciliation

3rd Saturday                -   Familiarization Programme for the new Entrants

4th Sunday                   -   Cultural Programme

7th Wednesday            -   Holiday – Il Poya

                                        Carol Service at Hospital

8th Thursday                -   Solemnity: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

9th Friday                    -   Christmas Programme with the Cardinal

10th Saturday               -   Community Christmas Gathering

11th Sunday                 -   Christmas Vacation Begins



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