Sports Activities in the Seminary


The Sports Activities in the Seminary.


Human and physical formation are two of the four major aspects of the priestly formation. Therefore, there is always a prominent place given to the sports activities in the seminary. Since the formation to the priesthood always demands the candidates to be properly formed in all the four areas and be perfectly prepared to serve the people of God, the seminary always encourages the seminarians to inculcate human values and formative values in and through all the extra-curricular activities. Hence, it is obvious that the seminary program allocates time for the students to engage in sports activities.

It is always remarked as a red-letter day, the seminary Sports Meet which falls during the first term of the year. A brief review and a report are presented below from year 2016 to 2021


Ø Cooray House Captain   : Hasitha Madushan

Ø Coudert House Captain : Savindu Gimhana

Ø Maver House Captain    : Anton Dinuka

v The winning House was Cooray House

v Rt. Rev. Dr. Maxwell Silva was the Chief Guest


Keeping to the curricular letter for the schools, the seminary sports meet was reorganized and the mechanism to categorize the students corresponding to the age categories of under 16, 18 and 20 was introduced. The Javelin throw was introduced as a new event of the seminary sports meet. Students of all age categories were allowed to compete. The Rector then was Rev. Fr. Freely Muthukudaarachchi. The new records were counted from then.

Ø Cooray House Captain   : Vimalsha Diren

Ø Coudert House Captain : Sandun Tharuka

Ø Maver House Captain    : Bilindu Dhanushka

v The winning House was Coudert House

v Rev. Fr. Expeditus Jayakody was the Chief Guest


Ø Cooray House Captain   : Yohan Manelka

Ø Coudert House Captain : Jude Terrence

Ø Maver House Captain    : Sandaruwan Perera

v The winning House was Coudert House

v Rev. Fr. Kennedy Perera was the Chief Guest



Ø Cooray House Captain  : Nilan Jordan

Ø Coudert House Captain : Amantha Perera

Ø Maver House Captain    : Felician Perera

v The winning House was Cooray House

v Rev. Fr. Freely Muthukudaarachchi  was the Chief Guest


Ø Cooray House Captain  : Tharusha Ravishka

Ø Coudert House Captain : Ashen Chamika

Ø Maver House Captain   : Brian Evans

v The winning House was Cooray House

v Rev. Fr. Rohitha Rodrigo was the Chief Guest


Ø Cooray House Captain   : Diluk Thisara

Ø Coudert House Captain : Dulara Vass

Ø Maver House Captain    : Chathura Sandeepa

v The winning House was Cooray House

v Rev. Fr. Susith Silva was the Chief Guest


 Apart from the sports meet the House matches which falls during the 2nd Term is also plays a remarkable role with regard to the sports activities in the Seminary. The seminarians are encouraged to take part in the Volleyball, Basketball, Cricket and Football and in indoor games such as Table Tennis, Carom etc.

The third term of the year is also full of vigour and sportsmanship due to the matches held on behalf of the Rector’s and Staff Day. It is quite different when compared to the other sports activities mentioned above since the students are given opportunities to take part in matches on the basis of special groups.

Ultimately all these sports activities lead the young seminarians to inculcate values of true sportsmanship like leadership, patience, courage and team work. Further sports activities help in the realization of a healthy mind in a healthy body. These values always fulfil the areas of priestly formation especially human formation. Finally, the sports activities in the Seminary must be incorporated in a way assuring never to disturb the formation program in the seminary. Thus, it should always fall in line with the Spiritual and intellectual formation of the candidate and must ensure an equilibrium in the building up of character and personality.

The Seminary Basketball Team

There is always an inseparable link between basketball and the seminarians. Though it was introduced for the wealthy people in the outer world, it always brings relaxation to the seminarians. The seminary Basketball team part take in the zonal and divisional matches under 17 and 19 age categories. The victories they gained for the Seminary witness the value of their hard work and the dedication and commitment they put in. St. Aloysius’ Seminary also part take in the open tournaments.

The Seminary Volleyball Team

Accredited with a triumphant history, the seminary volleyball team also competes in the zonal, divisional and national tournaments such as the DSI tournament under 15, 17and 19 age categories. The young seminarians have proved their vigour and strength through their championships gained. 





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